My name is Rostyslav Yuriyovych  Marunych, I was born in 1985, in Ukraine. I'm Ukrainian, a biotechnologist, a scientist, and a teacher (biology teacher).
This blog is designed to propose my services of consulting, for educational purpose, to communicate with professional scientific society and to present my portfolio.
If you wish to make a copy of content, first of all, please, read about copyrights below the page. Languages are English, Russian, and Ukrainian.

Skype: rost_mar

Payment details can be sent if necessary to the contact email. Payment currency: UAH, USD,  EUR.


the subject of consultation
  • Consulting on the biology and chemistry, preparation to External Independent Examination in biology and chemistry, tutoring (school).
  • Consultations on general biology, organic chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, biochemistry, anatomy, human and animal physiology, plant physiology,
    virology and immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, ecology, histology, cytology, embryology, tutoring (college and university).
  • Preparing to olympiads in biology.
  • Consultations on biotechnology, biochemistry, quality control, research and development, validation of analytical methods, registration / re-registration of pharmaceuticals, preclinical  and clinical trials, main pharmacopoeias, GMP / GLP, documents in CTD format.
  • Troubleshooter, a specialist in the research and development of generic and original pharmaceuticals and their documentary support.
  • Pharmaceutical outsourcing: pharmaceuticals registration, research and development, quality control, preclinical  and clinical trials, validation of analytical methods.
  • Articles and theses for the dissertation or diploms (biochemistry and molecular biology, biotechnology, medicine).
  • Medical, pharmaceutical and scientific copywriting.

types of consultation

  • Writing and translating medical, pharmaceutical and scientific or technical texts on the above topics.
  • Creating or editing images, illustrations, charts, drawings, tables.
  • Consulting by a talk.
  • Remote consultations (by Skype).
  • Teaching methods, testing and debugging processes, demonstration of practical work.
  • Statistical analysis of the data.

One hour of consultation, includes 60 minutes, or writing a text advisory capacity to 1,000 characters excluding spaces and punctuation, or one explanatory image in A4 formate - will be by negotiated price, with 100% prepayment.

  • Works are carried out only with 100% prepayment.
  • Work begins only upon receipt of my funds.
  • For consultations - prepayment for one or three lessons in advance.
  • All consulting is provided without intim.
  • There is an optional feature of conclusion of the civil law contract , consultations in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine can be provided to both individuals and legal entities.
  • Materials undergo general moderation.
  • If you have questions regarding the terms and money, please contact me.

I graduated from high school with honors, I'm a winner of Stage IV Ukrainian Biological Olympiad and I'm a laureate of the Seventh Soros Olympics in biology. I have the average and complete secondary education and higher education (MD), my occupation is "Biochemistry", graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and received master's degree in biology, biotechnologist, a teacher of biology. The average mark for the entire period of study at the university is 5.0 / 5.0.
Then I got PhD in "Biochemistry." I finished private law courses and private English language courses.
Since 2003 I have been a volunteer in various research institutes and in the society of ecoactivists.
While studying, I actively participated in the work of the student council and led a student newspaper.
Since 2007, I held positions of engineer of the 1-st category, leading engineer, an expert in examination of scientific materials for registration / re-registration of pharmaceuticals, engineer-technologist (R&D), analytical-chemist  (R&D),  junior researcher, teacher's assistant, teacher of biology (college and liceum), associate professor, researcher (at the present moment).
I have experience of work as a private tutor since 2007. I am a member of the Ukrainian Biochemical Society. I'm an author of 39 scientific publications, among them 3 are in foreign journals (India and South Africa Republic) and 2 publications are in international electronic databases (USA). Research interests: Protein Structure and Function.
Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian.

2003-2007 – Bachelor in biology.
Thesis title: Selection of clone producing of miniantibodies against human beta interferon with phage display method.
2007-2009 – Master in biotechnology. Thesis title: Creation of dominant-negative constructs of human 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase-3 and -4: effect on the expression of endogenous 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase mRNA.
2009-2014 – PhD in biochemistry. Thesis title: Expression of key genes regulating glucose metabolism in transformed human cells and in rat tissues.

Experience in teaching medical and biological disciplines at the university and the college (in English too, biochemistry, medical biophysics, medical chemistry, histology and cytology, human biology, microbiology and virology, medical immunology, genetics, biopharmacy, pharmacognosy, modern pharmaceutical technologies), working with laboratory animals,  fluorescence spectrophotometry, spectrophotometry, methods of genetic engineering, phage display, works with cell cultures of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, Western blot, DNA and protein electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), ELISA, PCR, PCR (Biorad, Amplisens) in real time, chromatography (HPLC, High performance liquid chromatography on Agilent1100, affinity chromatography, metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC)), validation of analytical methods, system primary packing-closure, R&D, proteins renaturation, recombinant proteins, lyophilization (Liobetta, Edwards), sterilization and filtration, process maps, analytical normative documentation, CTD, registration-re-registration of pharmaceuticals, research and development of generic pharmaceuticals and their documentary support, work experience with pharmacopoeias, OS Linux / OS Windows, office and application programs, statistics.

THE ESSAY: Dead bees do not buzz.
The asteroid was crashed on our planet, that is orbiting the yellow dwarf star, three and a half billion years ago, with the first autoreproducing RNA molecules in it [1,2]. Some RNA molecules began to replicate complicated and acquire new functions, and acquired membrane and proteins, enzymes and DNA appeared, life became multicellular, landfall, mastered fire and tools and turned into people.Other replicated faster and more efficiently, and become viral. Fossils from that distant era became objects of study of paleontology and archeology. From that times we live not for some purpose, but because our "selfish" genes "wants' to replicate, and our bodies are only "replicative machines" for them, even if it is harmful for us [3,4]. Life - a special form of existence of protein bodies, self- replicating open thermodynamic systems in a non-equilibrium state.We are alive as long as the dissipation of the free energy in an open thermodynamic nonequilibrium system, which is our body, tends to zero [5]. Inherent in the living, breath at the organismal and cellular levels [6], reproduction, memory, heredity, variation, homeostasis, excitability, contractility , motility, living systems are capable of self-organization and self-assembly. The difference between living and nonliving is as well as, Stokes law for myocard is different from Hooke's law for a rubber cord [7]. When inhibitors will act on the heart cytochrome C - oxidases, such as KCN, HCN, CO or " uncouplers " such as 2,4- dinitrophenol , or if in the case of myocardial infarction occur cessation of oxygen supply of the heart tissue, the tissue will occur cessation of respiratio , and death of cardiomyocytes. For the dead myocardium law Stkosa forever void. Yet , unlike of a rubber cord, the heart of the animal can be roasted and eaten. Similarly, injection of biological material from rabbit that died from the disease to healthy living rabbit will caused disease. However, injection from the living to the dead body does not hurt it because the dead can't be infected by viruses. Dead rabbit is not breathing, in his cells metabolism is absent and they can't be place for virus reproduction. Similarly, viral proteins and nucleic acids are destroyed by concentrated formic acid or ultraviolet radiation. Whatever viruses have "selfish" genes. Similarly, bees sacrifice themselves for their nest because they have affinity ratio 3/4 and are descendants of one female. Genes of "altruism" of eusotsial insects are harmful to their carrier because it leads to death [3]. However, they are "useful" for the entire colony, and especially for the "queen" because survive more of these gene copies in other insects that are descendants of one female and educate its descendants. Bees do not protect alien colony and don't make any honey for alien colny, so they are "selfish". This feature is useful for the whole swarm and especially for their "queen" and its ever- hungry larval [3]. Old barren "queen" is killed by bees , replacing it with the young. A swarm of careless beekeeper can fly to another. When staying alone as a working bee as a "queen" dies. And dead bees do not buzz. By the way, we are all descendants of the "genetic Eve" and "genetic Adam" that are abstractions.
Situation with lobotomy, paraplegia and insults in Broca and Wernicke areas, as well as availability of chiasm and postcentral gyrus with it's projections of parts of the body, or congenital malformations shows us that ability to talk, will and creativity, beliving in irrational authorities, are products of human brain activity [8,9,10]. God - is the irrational authority, proved leukotomy, K. R. Dawkins and I. Prigogine. Church ia an rational authority, proved by inquisition and verified by the late J. Bruno.
At the core of dissipative systems lie bifurcation of a different nature: genetic, physiological, chemical, biochemical [11]. We accumulate errors when the number of them reaches a certain critical value, the body begins to age, and then - dies. As long as you fight against entropy - you live. Death - it's just a disaster, after which the system enters a steady state equilibrium, and energy dissipation is terminated permanently. Miracles do not happen, Santa Claus invite, octopuses are trained [12, 13].

1. Сингер М., Берг П. Гены и геномы. — Москва, 1998.
2. Rampelotto, P. H. (2010). Panspermia: A promising field of research. In: Astrobiology Science Conference. Abs 5224.
3. Яблоков А. В., Юсуфов А. Г. Эволюционное Учение. М.: Высшая школа, 2006. 317 с.
4. Clinton Richard Dawkins (The Selfish Gene, Oxford University Press, 1976, ISBN 0-19-286092-5).
5. Пригожин И., Стенгерс И. Порядок из хаоса: Новый диалог человека с природой: Пер. с англ./ Общ. ред. В. И. Аршинова, Ю. Л. Климонтовича и Ю. В. Сачкова. - М.: Прогресс, 1986.-432 с.
6. Peter Mitchell (1961). "Coupling of phosphorylation to electron and hydrogen transfer by a chemi-osmotic type of mechanism". Nature 191 (4784): 144–8.
7. Физиология человека. Под ред. Покровского В.М., Коротько Г.Ф. 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: 2003. - 656 с.
8. Психохирургия: вчера и сегодня (обзор зарубежных публикаций) / Подг. С. Костюченко // Вестник Ассоциации психиатров Украины. — 2013. — № 3.
9. Howard Dully, My Lobotomy, Crown. ISBN 0-307-38126-9.
10. Кузнецов Л.С./ Атлас по гистологии, цитологии и эмбриологии / С. Л. Кузнецов, Н. Н. Мушкамбаров, В. П. Горячкина - М.: Медицинское информационное агенство, 2002. - 374 с.: ил. ISBN 5-89481-055-8.
11. Березов Т. Т., Коровкин Б. Ф., Биологическая химия: Учебник. - 3-е изд.,перераб. и доп.-М.: Медицина, 1998. -704 с.: ил. -(Учеб. лит. Для студентов мед. вузов). ISBN 5-225-02709-1.
12. Мезенцев В. А. Когда появляются призраки. М.: Детская литература, 1971. 335 с.
13. Clinton Richard Dawkins ( The God Delusion, Bantam Books, 2006, ISBN 0-618-68000-4).

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